Sunday, March 22, 2009

my thoughts...

as i grow older i don't see all the wrong turns i've taken, i see all the right turns i've made. i don't see all the things i've done wrong i see all the things i've done right and made right... if i dwelled on all the wrong things i've done i'd be the most depressed person you've ever seen. i choose to look at all the right things i've done, i choose to learn from my mistakes. i choose to learn from my wrongs and also my rights. i choose not to be defeated. i choose to stand up for what i believe, i choose to be who i am, i choose to show people who i am.

1 comment:

  1. Nice...I'm the same way...Lord knows I screwed up a lot when I was younger...but sitting here at 35 with my wife of 10 years and a good job, life is good... and it's partially because I refuse to dwell on the past...
