Sunday, March 22, 2009

Iris's journey....

Iris Lyllian was born 1 month premature. No complications with her or with myself. She just decided she wanted to come early and try her mommy and daddy :-) She is completely caught up with where she should be..she is 4 months old and doing everything a 4 month old should do. I didn't get to hold her for almost a whole day... I didn't know what torture was until then. Not holding your newborn baby for almost a day was torture. I don't know how some of these women do it with micro preemies?! All of my pregnancies (I've been pregnant 4 times) I've gone into preterm labor with two of them they were able to stop it, but with one of them I miscarried at 19 weeks. I am so blessed that Iris is doing as well as she is. I am so blessd to have two healthly happy children.

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