Monday, March 30, 2009

Looking on the bright side

Since Derrick got laid off I've went through a ton of emotions. I've been pissed, hurt, fearful, scared, sad, excited, and those are just a few. When he called me to tell me he got laid off I didn't have any emotion. When he got home and he was pissed off I comforted him told, him it'd be ok, and just let him go through his emotions. All I could do was to be a supportive wife and give him all the love I could. I didn't get pissed and I didn't cry until he went to bed that night. The next morning I decided I needed to look at the bright side of the situation. He'll be home more so that means more family time. He can finally finish painting the bathroom and doing all the things on his "honey do" list lol Ivy will get to go to preschool without us worrying about how to pay for it. We'll be able to spend more quality time with each other and rekindle our realtionship. It's not the idea situation but I have to make the best of it.

1 comment:

  1. As bad as it sounds, I wish sometimes that my place of work would lay me off... I haven't had more than a one week break in 11 years...I need time to vegetate...
